How to create a winning lead form

How to Create A Winning Lead Form

So you’re very much running your lead form campaigns, but yet the results are not satisfactory in the least. You’re running into either one of these issues where you have plenty of volumes and low quality leads or that you have too little volume but they are high quality leads. Now the problem here could lie in the way you’ve set up your form.

Here’s what we’ve learnt having ran multiple lead form campaigns, and how we got it right so we could achieve both high volume and high quality leads.

Lead form settings

Now, upon setting up your lead form, you would have noticed a section that asks if you want to get high volume or high intent. This setting generally just decides the structure of your lead form, with high volume, your prospect filling up the form will not have to review their information one more time before they submit the form and for high intent, your prospects will have to review their information before submitting the form. How is this important you might ask? It’s very simple, if you have custom fields where you are asking for information outside of the predetermined questions available from Facebook, you would want to use high intent to give your prospects a chance to review their information before submitting.
Here is another mistake that we have observed amongst other property developers and agents that are running lead gen campaigns, who are interested in the posted property, in their lead form, they would either set their ad copy as their lead form headline or they would set information that is already known. I call this a mistake because with the usage of headline, you have the opportunity to provide information that is enticing to a prospect, in this case a Call To Action if you will. You generally want to put in crucial information such as promotions, like for example “If you register now, get a 0% installment on your first 3 months, hurry while offer last”.

Deciding between too little information and too much information

On a data collection and data analysis stand point, more information = better. But ask yourself this, would you yourself be willing to fill in a form asking 40 different questions? The answer would most likely be no, so this is where you need to ask yourself if the amount of questions you are asking your leads to give you is too much. Asking too little as well presents a problem, not getting the information you need to later then do segmentation and build insights upon may be detrimental to your lead generation campaign in the long run, this will be covered in topics pertaining to custom audience, lookalike, optimisation and testing, so do look out for that in the future. A balance needs to be struck, with that ask yourself questions like can further information be gathered later on during lead qualification? Are the questions I’m asking sufficient enough for the early lead phase? Do I need to ask questions outside of the provided fields? Long story short, keep your form simple, ask as little as possible and ask only questions that are relevant. There is no need to know things like a person’s income level and such during lead generation

Understanding your demographic

I spoke about custom fields earlier on, you may not find the use for this, but what if i told you that understanding how your prospect interacts with your form is also important. So for example, personally we’ve ran Lead Gen campaigns in Indonesia, and what we’ve found that when collecting leads, majority of the phone numbers that we received was completely uncontactable, later we learnt that the phone numbers tied to said lead’s Facebook account were outdated as Indonesian’s generally switch their phone numbers often, so we decided to switch out from using the fields available by Facebook and use a custom field to collect phone numbers instead, this in turn will require that prospects fill in their phone number manually before submitting a form. Having done so, we managed to maintain our volumes and have a 90% contactable rate of the leads collected. Just changing the settings as to how information is collected can make a BIG difference.

To add on to that information as well, when we switched the way we collected information from leads, we saw a big spike in lead volume and quality as well with that specific target audience.

Now that you know all this, let’s put it into practice. Hop on over to Peasy Academie and we’ll teach you as to how we set up our lead forms to generate both high quality leads and volume on Peasy, the great thing about Peasy is that it takes your lead generation a step further with automated lead qualification and segmentation so you don’t have to worry about doing all these tedious things yourself.