Why i have to create another business profile for different targeting
- When you create a business profile, an AI will assigned to that specific business profile.
- In simple words, AI will learn everything that you ask it to learn. If you ask it to learn about customer, then it will learn about customer and vise versa.
- Therefore, if you intend to target customer, then you create 1 business profile. If you want to target agent or business, you create another business profile.
- Customer and agent surely have differences in term of demographic & others. We don’t know but AI knows and it within its calculation.
- The same things applied if you intend to target different industries.
- For example, Health industry is different than Automotive industry. So you need to create new business profile for each industry.
Best Practise
- The best practise is to use 1 business profile and let AI learn more about your product, customer and business.
- Everytime you change between any business profile you have, the ads you created in the previous business profile will stop. Thus, AI will stop learning from that business profile.