How to Create your Audience Persona

What is an Audience Persona (AP)?

Behind the veneer of 1s and 0s, it’s easy to lose sight that at the end of the day; we are communicating and selling to human. But how do you determine what’s the right messaging and channel breakdown for faceless online prospects? The simple solution is to create Audience Personas (AP).

AP is an imaginary personanification, representing the different segments of your buyer base. For example, a luxury condominium could have these personas:

Name Represents Goal
Kate Property investors Property with high appreciation value and low investment risk
John Foreign buyer Foreign buyer who are looking to invest in properties to qualify for MM2H visa
Bob Affluent Family Men/Women Looking for a sizeable home with excellent amenities and security, within a coveted neighbourhood

What’s typically included in an Audience Persona

  • Biography
  • Goals
  • Motivation
  • Frustration
  • Channel
  • Journey

How’s Audience Persona used in Sales & Marketing

Customers are motivated by individual pain point and motivation to purchase your product. Whilst it’s impossible to personalize your messaging and experience to individual and minute detail; grouping customers by persona/segment – allow you to strengthen the appeal of your product, so that it resonate with the customer’s buying consideration.

After creating AP, you would plan these for each persona:

  • customer journey
  • content plan which include your ad messaging, landing page and blogs
  • call script
  • lead scoring