Product features, advantages and benefits is a must include marketing strategy because the goal of a business is to make money. Prospects and customers must be convinced that the product or service they are buying will help them solve their problem. Companies have many ways to present their products, one being through an ad. In order for people to purchase the product, they need to know what it can do for them and why they should buy it.

Advertising needs three things: A Unique Selling Proposition, which is a statement about how your company’s products are different from others in its category; An Advantages & Benefits Statement, which tells prospects what the product will do for them; and a Call-to-Action Statement – “Buy now!” or “Learn more” – that compels readers take immediate action.
What is product features, advantages and benefits?
Product features, advantages and benefits is said to be one of the most important parts of marketing. If you do not know how to write it correctly, your offer will be weak. It is crucial for entrepreneurs to learn how to write product features, advantages and benefits. The copywriting process will become much easier if done correctly.
Product Features
Product features are the characteristics of a product that set it apart from the competition. They can be tangible, such as color, size, or weight, or intangible, such as warranty or customer service. When it comes to product features, they are the specific details of your product. These are the things that make your product unique and different from the rest of the market.
Product Advantages
Meanwhile, product advantages are the positive qualities of a product that make it more appealing to consumers. We can simply describe it as what the product does based on the product’s features.
Product Benefits
Product benefits are one of those things that really make a difference when it comes to your business. This is because it will make your target market happy and satisfied with their purchase. You should try to focus on as many benefits as possible when marketing your product. As a result, you can easily convince your target to see that they need this product. By providing the benefits of your products to them, they will be able to understand how it will work for them and solve their problem. Make sure to include the emotional element thru the product benefit.
Why it’s important to write a good product features, advantages and benefits?
When it comes to product features, advantages and benefits, most people think that it’s only necessary for the sales copy. But in reality, this is something that should be included in your overall marketing strategy. If you want to be able to create a good offer, you need to learn how to write product features, advantages and benefits effectively.
Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of thinking that they can just come up with a good offer by throwing in a few benefits and call it a day. But if you want to be successful, you need to go beyond that. You need to understand how product features, advantages and benefits work together.
Step by step to write Product Features, Advantages and Benefits (FAB)
Step 1: Pour your Ideas in a Mind Map
Mind map is a great way to start because you can pour all your ideas and organize it first. Your mind map will have 3 level. For starting write the topic on a piece of paper. It maybe the name of your product for example, Peasy Marketing Product FAB. For the first level, list all the features that you can think of. For the second level, list the advantages that the features give. For the third level, list all the benefits that the advantages give. For example,
Features: Peasy Marketing software using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Advantages: Calculation and prediction more precise than human
Benefits 1: Avoid headaches. Entrepreneur have many things to do.
Benefits 2: AI minize human mistakes.
Benefit 3: Get more targeted audience.
Benefit 4: Feels safe to spend money on ads.
In the mind map it will look like this:

Takes your time to do this. Really drill the product features, advantage and benefits.
Step 2: Organize your thought in the mind map
Now, ranking the features based on what features do you feel most important for your target market. If you don’t do target market research in order to understand your target buyer, feel free to click and check out this article.
Article target market research: Strategy to get Winning Ideas for your Content and Copywriting!
Step 3: Translate the Mind Map into Microsoft Word or Google Docs
Now that you have done your mind map, create a document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
Make 3 columns. 1 column for Features, 1 column for Advantages and 1 column for Benefits.
Write all the Product FAB based on the column. For example:

You can always re-organize the FAB. If you feel advantage 1 and advantage 2 have the same benefit, just include them together.
From time to time, if you add any features, advantages, and benefits to your product or service, do visit this spreadsheet. If you follow my teaching, just include it in the Playbook we create during the target market research class.
Step 4: Use it in your copy.
Benefits sell more often than your features. Write and rewrite until you get a good, emotional piece of copy. For example:
Features: Peasy Marketing software using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Advantages: Calculation and prediction more precise than human
Benefits 1: Entrepreneur has many parts of the business that you have to take care of. Avoid the headache of learning and doing paid advertising by yourself. Moreover, you don’t know whether you do it right or wrong. But we know, it always translates in the number of sales you getting from the ads right?
Benefits 2:
Don’t get caught in the trap of doing your own paid advertising or hiring a digital marketer. AI is capable of calculating and minimizing human mistakes when it comes to correctly targeting the right audience for your product or service, ensuring that your product copy reaches the people who at least want to learn more about it.
Extra Tips When you do your Product Features, Advantages and Benefits research and copy
Target you audience
The first step in any marketing strategy is to figure out who your target audience is and what problems they face. If you don’t know your target audience, how will you satisfy their needs? You must be able to show that your product or service solves their problem.
Be clear and concise
Avoid jargon, buzzwords, or technical language if you want to be understood. If you must use a specialized word in your copy, make sure everyone understands it. Write in the language that your readers understand.
Make sure your points are logical
When discussing benefits, we frequently overstate one aspect of them. As a result, the reader will thinks your product is too good to be true. So, every time you appear to be going too far, refer back to your target market research.
What you must do after learning Product Features, Advantages and Benefits?
In conclusion, Product FAB is a critical part of your marketing strategy because it helps you to position and promote the features and benefits of your product. In other words, a good Product FAB should be: – Accurate, concise, informative – Specific without being too wordy or “salesy” – Written in an engaging way that captivates readers at first glance.
Start writing on your Product FAB immediately ,and anytime you stuck or have writer mental blocks, refer back to your target market research. Don’t forget to download your free Product FAB template here!
After finishing this lesson, you will get a good product copy. But who gonna promote it? Join our webinar to learn where and how to recruit hungry sales agents to boost your sales, almost immediately! Register here.