Why I can’t create an ad account?

You may receive one of the following error messages when trying to create another ad account:

  • “You’ve reached your ad account maximum.”
  • “Not authorized to create ad accounts.”
  • “Account Disabled.”

You can’t create more ad accounts if:

  • You’ve reached your ad account limit. All advertisers start with an ad account limit of one until they make a confirmed payment. This limit helps prevent potential abuse and fraud. To find your ad account limit, go to Business Manager. Click Business Settings, then click Business Info. Accounts disabled due to 60 days of no usage and no spend also count towards the ad account limit.
  • One or more existing ad accounts are in bad standing. Please refer to Facebook Advertising Policies.

If neither situation applies to you, you can continue to use your active ad accounts. Generally, we adjust Facebook ad account limit based on historical spending and use of existing ad accounts. You can check if you have ad accounts that don’t have active campaigns and use them.