
April 11, 2022

What do I check first if my campaign not running?

Check your fb ads manager. See if the error coming from Facebook or not. If the error coming from Facebook, seek for Facebook support.Check notification center in Peasy dashboard. The notification will tell you if there is an error occurred.Check your email, Peasy will send email to you. Continue Reading

March 23, 2022

Why I can’t see my campaign report?

If you can't see your campaign report, this may be the reasons:Your campaign not published yet.Your campaign has error and not deployed.Your browser did not support.What you can do?Check your campaign deployment.Check if there is any error. Peasy will email to you if there is any error.Hard refresh by click Control + R at the same time.Use other browser.Clear cache… Continue Reading

March 23, 2022

What is CPM and other metric in campaign report?

What is CPM? Cost per milliCPM is a common metric used by the online advertising industry to gauge the cost-effectiveness of an advertising campaign. It's often used to compare performances between different ad publishers and campaigns.CPM measures the total amount spent on an advertising campaign, divided by the number of impressions and multiplied by 1,000. (Example: if you spent RM50… Continue Reading

March 23, 2022

What is SWO analysis in campaign report? Continue Reading

March 23, 2022

Where do I check the Campaign Report?

Where do I check the Campaign Report? Under Campaign list tab, clicks on your campaign name. Continue Reading

March 23, 2022

Where do I check to ensure my campaign is running?

When your campaign deploy, notification will appear in Peasy Dashboard.You may also check in your Facebook Ads Manager to ensure your campaign been approved and running by Facebook. Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

Why my campaign has deployed in Peasy but in Facebook Ads Manager it is “Under Review”?

Why my campaign has deployed in Peasy but in Facebook Ads Manager, it is still "Under Review"?   I have clicked “Save & Publish”, and the status toggle in the dashboard (purple color) indicates that… Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

When do I know I have to change creative?

When do I know I have to Change Creative? When you should change your ad’s creative? Check the ad’s frequency in the Campaign Report Change your ad when the frequency is above 4 for Awareness… Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

How to Upload your Ad Creative

Anatomy of your Ad No Explanation 1 Post text. Maximum 500 characters, recommended 125 characters. The least attention-grabbing part of the ad. Usually, your target audience will only read this section last, after everything else… Continue Reading

December 5, 2021

Optimizing lead quality

How do you optimize your lead quality with Peasy Optimization is a data driven process, done manually you would need to keep track of various process and have each data point fully updated. But with… Continue Reading
