
March 18, 2022

How many audience segment need to select

How many audience segment need to select? Select all the audience until there is no audience to be selected anymore.See the video below for more explaination. Continue Reading

March 18, 2022

What is the best/suitable objective for my campaign strategy?

What is the best/suitable objective for my campaign strategy? We recommend our user to use Full Funnel mode and follow the objectives set by AI.If you're using single campaign mode, the risk is on you. The best objective to choose are Lead Generation, Conversion and Traffic. Other objectives, the data is not reliable and cannot help you much. Continue Reading

March 18, 2022

Can i change the targeting?

Can i change the targeting? If you are using single campaign mode, you can add or delete any audience segment.But it is advisable to only add new segment instead of deleted any audience segment that Peasy AI choose.If you are using full funnel mode, it is advisable not to change any audience segment.You also advisable not to add any audience… Continue Reading

March 18, 2022

What is prediction and how its work?

What is prediction and how its work? Peasy can predict based on analysis to your overall data, what is the prediction number of your result to be.The prediction accuracy benchmark is 90%.Meaning that Peasy atleast has to get 90% of the estimated lead produced.For example, based on the picture, we will get 36 leads. 90% of 36 is 32 leads.During… Continue Reading

March 18, 2022

Which to choose between new customer, repeat sales or both?

Which to choose between new customer, repeat sales or both? New customerIf your product is not repeated product or service such as selling cars.Or you simply want to find new customerRepeat salesIf you have database upload to PeasyIf your product is repeated sales product such as selling cosmetic.BothIf your intention to get sales from new customer and previous customer.  Continue Reading

March 18, 2022

What are the “Do’s” and “Don’t” when selecting location in your Peasy Campaign?

What is "Do" and "Don't" in choosing location? We recommend our user to atleast choose either state, peninsular Malaysia, Malaysia or overseas location. Don't choose location inside the state such as Ampang, Cheras and others. The reason why we recommend this is because the population size of the location inside the state is small. Rules of thumb of Facebook is… Continue Reading

March 18, 2022

Can I choose budget lower than RM570?

Can I choose budget lower than RM570? You cannot choose lower than RM570.AI will estimate the minimum budget you need to have based on campaign duration.For further explanation, please click Here. Continue Reading

March 18, 2022

What is qualification status and predicted score in contact listing?

What is qualification status and predicted score in contact listing? Continue Reading

March 16, 2022

Why the campaign duration must be more than 4 days

Why the campaign duration must be more than 4 days? The way AI works is it must have sufficient data first to analyze. In simple calculation, atleast 9000 impression is achieved. If it below than that, it is still regarded as not enough data. So 4 days is the minimum amount of day to get this data. The longer you… Continue Reading


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