
March 15, 2022

How to upload carousel

How to upload Carousel? Click on the “Add New Post” button. A popup will appear. In the popup, click “Browse”. Select multiple files in your file manager. You can select a mixture of videos… Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

How to upload a single image or video?

How to upload single image or video? Click on the “Add New Post” button. A popup will appear. In the popup, click “Browse”. Select an image or video. Please make sure that the file… Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

What is creative format available in Peasy?

What is creative format available in Peasy? Peasy supports 3 different creative formats; video, carousel and still image. Choosing the right creative format is crucial to your campaign success. Below is a quick and easy… Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

What is the structure of your ad?

What is the structure of your ad?  NoExplanation1Post text. Maximum 500 characters, recommended 125 characters. The least attention-grabbing part of the ad. Usually, your target audience will only read this section last, after everything else… Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

What is audience overlap and how to fix it?

What is Audience Overlap and How to Fix It? Peasy automatically detects audience overlap between your audience segments. A pop-up will appear when audience overlap is detected. Click on “Fix it” if you want Peasy… Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

Who is suitable to use single campaign mode?

Who is suitable to use single campaign mode? Full funnel mode is suitable for Novice user. You can’t go wrong selecting full-funnel, just answer a couple of easy questions and Peasy will do the rest. In the other hand, single campaign mode is for Expert user. Meant for users who know and want to achieve a very specific target, with… Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

What is the difference between full funnel and single campaign

Comparison between Full-Funnel and Single Campaign Creation Method Full-Funnel Single Campaign Summary Automatically creates one to multiple full-funnel campaigns (from awareness to conversion) based on your current sales funnel. Peasy automatically selects the campaign objectives… Continue Reading

March 15, 2022

Campaign Creation Mode

Prerequisites before creating a campaign: A data-loaded business profile Click here to learn more about creating a business profile in Peasy. Please wait at least 24 hours after creating your business profile, before creating your… Continue Reading

March 10, 2022

How to create a Traffic Campaign

What do you need before creating a Traffic campaign? Facebook Pixel Installed, you need at least Page View Event to be working Verified Domain What you need to know A traffic campaign works like a… Continue Reading

December 29, 2021

Developing your ad messaging

Developing your Ad Messaging Peasy automates and simplifies 3 out of 4 critical components of a campaign for you. Our AI recommends the ideal audience, channel and bid for your campaign. Messaging is the last… Continue Reading


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