
December 28, 2022

What is the Importance of A/B Testing on your sales pitch?

What Makes A/B Testing Easier with Peasy Sales? In the previous article, we have discussed on the importance of A/B testing on your sales pitch. Now that you know the value of A/B testing on your sales pitch, we will show you how to do that easily and fast with Peasy Sales. With Peasy, you can do the 3 items… Continue Reading

December 28, 2022

Bagaimana Untuk Mengesahkan Bidang Jualan Anda Menggunakan Ujian A/B Dengan Peasy Sales?

Apa Yang Menjadikan Ujian A/B Lebih Mudah dengan Peasy Sales? Dalam artikel yang lepas, kami telah membincangkan tentang kepentingan ujian A/B kepada bidang jualan. Jadi sekarang anda tahu nilai ujian A/B kepada bidang jualan anda, kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana untuk membuatnya dengan mudah dan pantas dengan Peasy Sales. Dengan Peasy, anda boleh melakukan 3 perkara di bawah semudah ABC. Cipta… Continue Reading

December 28, 2022

How To Validate Your Sales Pitch Using A/B Test With Peasy Sales?

What Makes A/B Testing Easier with Peasy Sales? In the previous article, we have discussed on the importance of A/B testing on your sales pitch. Now that you know the value of A/B testing on your sales pitch, we will show you how to do that easily and fast with Peasy Sales. With Peasy, you can do the 3 items… Continue Reading

December 7, 2022

Kenapa Custom Audience (CA) dan Lookalike Audience (LAL) yang dicipta melalui Peasy berbeza?

Apa yang membuatkan Peasy berbeza dari Facebook? Peasy dan Facebook mempunyai fungsi dan tujuan yang sama apabila mencipta Custom Audience dan Lookalike Audience. Tapi apa yang membuatkan Peasy berbeza dengan Facebook adalah:Lebih mudah mencipta Custom… Continue Reading

December 7, 2022

Why are the Custom Audience (CA) and Lookalike Audience (LAL) created by Peasy different?

What makes Peasy different from Facebook? Both Peasy and Facebook serves the same functionality and purpose for Custom Audience and Lookalike Audience. But what makes Peasy different compared to Facebook.Easily Create Custom Audience and Lookalike… Continue Reading

November 18, 2022

How to nurture leads at scale

How to nurture B2B leads at scale Problem: My sales team is wasting too much time calling leads that are not ready to buy OK, now that your chatbot is producing plenty of qualify leads; what do you do with them? You can't pass Marketing Qualified Leads to your sales team, they will be inundated with nurturing and educating prospect… Continue Reading

October 30, 2022

Three reasons why your B2B sales team productivity is low

This article is part of our B2B sales and marketing strategy series. Find other relevant articles below. Why B2B Sales are complex and time-consuming? Unlike other categories, B2B sales cycle are comparatively longer. Gaining a… Continue Reading

November 29, 2021

Recruit sales agents – How to find the hungry, good one?

Recruit sales agents is becoming more and more difficult. Moreover the skilled, hungry good one. Agents are being bombarded with offers from companies within and outside their own organizations. In a desperate attempt to keep… Continue Reading

November 29, 2021

Improve Branding and Make it Great!

The most critical element of your business is its branding. It doesn't matter what you are selling, or how good it is-if you can’t brand yourself effectively people will be less inclined to buy from… Continue Reading

November 29, 2021

Three Traits Every Good Salesperson possess.

A good salesperson, agent or stockist have the same and consistent traits you need to look during interview session. Finding one is hard so you have to learn how to recognize it. Have you ever… Continue Reading


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