Searching Contacts #
You can search all contacts by entering the name, email id or phone number in the search on top in the Peasy Sales contacts screen.
Search currently filters the contacts based on the name, email id or phone number.
Filtering Contacts #
Peasy Sales let’s you apply advanced filters for your contacts. You will have the ability to filter contacts with multiple attributes at once and even query them with AND and OR operators.
Peasy Sales offers filtering contacts by the below attributes:
- Contact Name
- Contact Email
- Phone number
- Contact Identifier
- Country
- City
To filter contacts, click on the Filter button on the top right corner of the Peasy Sales contacts screen.
To get all contacts who are not from “USA” and have name containing “John”
- Set the 1st filter type as “Name”, the operator as “Equal to” and the value as “John”
- Click on “Add Filter” button
- Set the 2nd filter type as “Contact Status” as the filter type, “Equal to” as the operator and select “Won” as the value.
- Hit Submit, and the contacts list will now be filtered by the above criteria
You can apply as many filters as you want, by combining them with AND and OR operators to create complex queries and funnel you list to specific needs.
To clear the filters and go back to the original list, simply click on the “Clear Filters” button in the filters popup.