Why is my campaign dashboard empty? #
Your campaign dashboard is empty because you are not connected to any ad account.
1. Please go to your Peasy Dashboard by clicking the Dashboard button in the side bar as shown in the image below:
2. Please click setting > connection setup >choose an ad account as shown in video below:
What are the metrics shown in the campaign dashboard? #
What is CPM? #
- Cost per milli
- CPM is a common metric used by the online advertising industry to gauge the cost-effectiveness of an advertising campaign. It’s often used to compare performances between different ad publishers and campaigns.
- CPM measures the total amount spent on an advertising campaign, divided by the number of impressions and multiplied by 1,000. (Example: if you spent RM50 and got 10,000 impressions, your CPM was RM5.)
What is CPC? #
- Cost per click
- The CPC shows how much, on average, each link click costs you. CPC is a metric used in the online advertising industry for benchmarking ad efficiency and performance.
- This metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by the number of link clicks.
What is CTR? #
- Click-through-rate
- CTR indicates how many link clicks you’ve received on your ad compared to how many impressions your ad received. It’s a common metric used by online advertisers to understand how ads are driving traffic to websites and other destinations.
- The metric is calculated as the number of link clicks divided by the number of impressions.
What is CPE? #
- Cost per Engagement
- This metric is calculated as total amount spent divided by post engagement.
What is CPA? #
- Cost per acquisition.
- This metric is the cost you get for 1 lead.
How can I get the performance report of a singular campaign? #
Go to Peasy Dashboard by click “Dashboard” button as shown in the image below:
In the Peasy dashboard, go to Campaign List section.
Under Campaign List section, click Active Campaign in the Status tab.
Click on campaign name you which to see the performance report
You will be directed to the performance report as shown in the video below.
Where do I find the campaigns I have previously created? #
Go to Peasy Dashboard by click on the “Dashboard” button as shown in the image below:
You can find the campaign you have previously created at campaign list section.
Click on the status tab.
Select Paused Campaign as highlighted in the image below.

How can I edit my past campaigns in Peasy? #
Please go to Peasy Dashboard by clicking “Dashboard” button as shown in the image below:
Under Campaign List section, click on the Status tab.
Choose your campaign and click three dotted line as highlighted in the image below.
Click Edit and you will be directed to Peasy Campaign Manager as shown in the image below:
You can also to the video below on how to edit your past campaign.