
Dashboard #

You can access various key functions of the platform by clicking on the relevant buttons according to the functions at the top of the Dashboard.

You can also move the data left or right to view the available data options and functions for quick access.

Each function box will turn green if there is new data updated according to the date range set at the top of the Dashboard.

a) Area to set the time period for the data displayed on the Dashboard.

b) Function box for quick access to the platform’s functions.

c) Squee Ranking

d) Data information for tasks to improve your Squee ranking.

e) Your account ranking chart.

What is Squee? #

Squee is Peasy’s mascot and represents your account’s ranking.

My Squee Ranking #

There are four ranks in the Peasy game system: Bronze (lowest rank), Silver (mid rank), Gold (second-highest rank), and Platinum (highest rank).

Every newly registered account will start with the Squee Bronze rank.

You can view your overall account rank (compared to other Peasy users) in the ranking chart on the dashboard.

My Account level #

In each level, you will have a list of tasks specific to each purpose of using your Peasy platform.

You can see below the list of purposes you selected when you first created your Peasy Sales account:

  • Start or grow my food delivery service
  • Improve customer service and operation
  • Orders management and inquiries on Whatsapp
  • Automate appointment and reservation

You need to complete the task list to move past each level. This is the first key to improving your Squee rank.

My Account GMV (Gross merchandise volume) #

The system will consider the total successful sales and divide it by 3 months* to calculate the average GMV for your account.

The average GMV over this 3-month period is the second key to improving your Squee rank.

*The GMV calculation for the sales amount in the first and second months will still be divided by three. For example, if the successful sales in the first month are RM50, the average GMV would be RM50 ÷ 3 = RM16.67

Benefits based on my account ranking #

Each Squee rank has different benefits or access to account functions.

Therefore, you need to quickly improve your Squee rank to gain full access to all Peasy Sales platform functions!

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Updated on Mac 17, 2025